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In September, CoSAFA hosted two virtual public feedback workshops to discuss the first version of our methodology, published in May 2023.

Thank you to all who participated. We deeply appreciate your valuable input. Below is a quick summary of the two conversations, but we encourage you to watch the recordings (links below and at the end) for further insights.

Day 1 Recording LinkDay 2 recording link

CoSAFA Overview​ 

Staff provided a common understanding of CoSAFA’s work and role within the SAF ecosystem, providing fair rules to support SAF market development and registries.

SAF Chain of Custody Mapping​

Staff evaluated the SAF goals and what foundational mechanisms must be in place to support these SAF goals for each of the five SAF stakeholders:

  • Producers
  • Suppliers
  • Operators
  • Scope 3 customers
  • Compliance programs

Ultimately, supporting SAF markets with a credible foundation of fair rules must be part of SAF growth.

Guided Discussion

CoSAFA Foundational Concepts​


Additional definitions to consider include: Book and Claim; Registry; Ledger; SAF Marketplace; Multi Scope Recognition; Dual Scope Recognition; Claiming and Reporting; and Master Registry.


Mandates should be included in follow-on versions​

Methodology Brief ​

  • Is kg CO2e a Valid Base Unit?

“This may become complicated as a base unit if different methods for calculating this value are used.”

“This base unit is valuable to corporate customers.”

“May be difficult to make interoperable between systems.”

  • Master Registry vs Interoperability – or Both?

“Both are needed to provide confidence that no fraudulent double-counting occurs.”

  • Information Transparency and Standardization​

PTD​: Is additional information needed on the PTD?

“Add clarity on how the PTD is gradually compiled through the chain of custody.”

“Add SAF density.”

  • Standardized Track / Unique ID​: What edits should be made to Unique IDs?

“L, G, T should be used for Litres, Gallons, and Tons within the unique ID vice A, B, C.”

“Remove blend percentage; it is not needed.”

“Transition to Y or N for eligibility vice 1 and 0s.”

  • Robust Tools for Managing Variability​

Principles​: Should SAF vintages expire after 7 years?

“An alternative could be to use three years (CORSIA) as the longest period of time and adjust if longer regulatory windows are implemented at a later date.”

“More clarification is needed on the start timeframe for vintages. CoSAFA begins the vintage at production, while other methodologies begin the vintage when the SAF is registered. What impact may this difference have?”

  • SAF Claims Accounting​

Should well-to-wake or tank-to-wake be explained within the CoSAFA methodology and scenarios when each is used?

“This is not needed and may add to the confusion.”

For more details, please follow the links to the public workshops’ Zoom recordings.

Day 1 Recording LinkDay 2 recording link

If there are any insights you’d like to add as CoSAFA prepares methodology version 2.0, please contact Madison Carroll, CoSAFA’s Executive Director.

Madison will continue the CoSAFA Methodology conversation at upcoming conferences. Contact her if you’re attending any of these events and would like to meet!